Why I decided to start a community

Let's start with why I decided to create an online community and why I think having a such thing is beautiful not just only for me but for all the members in it.

About 4 years ago accompanied by my older brother I decided to step into this vast ocean of the Tech World and become a full-time Programmer, it may sound a bit babyish but I've always loved learning and improving myself and others by being in large groups of like-minded fellows and as you may have already guessed, not being able to find any of them during the beginning of my journey made me quit.
for the next 3 years, I lived hating every single line of code I wrote and thought that I wasted my time and energy on something that had no output, no specific knowledge, no career, and no income.
so I went down another path that I call "Content Creation", I made videos and graphic designs, and podcasts about lots of different topics whether it was Gaming or Education, Photography, Teaching English, etc, and posted them on Instagram and Youtube and I did it constantly for 2 years, this path gave me a lot of knowledge, different skills and introduced me to some good fellas who worked in the same industry as I did and of course, it was my source of income for a couple of months as I worked with different startups and businesses looking to expand their audience through content creation.

I started to learn to code again around 2 weeks ago. I went down the same path, looking for people to connect with and different internships to let me meet other people like myself and be able to improve and learn more about basically everything. I realized that I'm doing the same things that made me quit: going down the wrong path in my learning journey and insisting on sending resumes to different companies for internships.
Then after a little bit of thinking I found out that I could fix both of them so I decided to learn what I ( think ) love and to create my own community for it so that I no longer need to seek rescue.

And I'm on the path to start blogging, Writing articles both in Persian and English, and maybe start teaching code on platforms like youtube.

Long Story Short: I'm going to start a community for people who want to learn and improve, make connections and meet like-minded people and I hope you are as hyped as I am. ( Obviously, this won't go anywhere without the help of other people like YOU )

Hopefully one day no one needs to check job recommendations that say you have to finish obligatory military service and be 21 and have a degree in college to participate in my JS intern Bootcamp, like, WTF?